Car Tyre Service
Prompt Car Tyre Service & Repair in Sydney
Are the tyres of your car too eroded to be used anymore? Or is it that you are sensing some issues with the tyres that are not able to retain their air as long as before? What makes you worry if you are in Sydney? You have SWS Automotive Group Pty Ltd. by your side if you are in Sydney. All you need to do is call us to fix an appointment and drop in with your car. Our experts will take it from there.

Our car mechanics are well trained to deal with cars of any make and model and have the best and latest tools to address your issue and deliver a prompt repair or replacement, depending on the condition.
What makes us the best name to visit for car tyre service & repair in Sydney?
Remember, to guarantee your security on the roads, you should replace the tyres of your car every few years. Over the years, the tread wears and thins out, making it difficult for the tyres to have a firm grip on the road. Also, the rubber compounds disintegrate with time and compromise the integrity of the tyres.
What are the signs that you should visit us immediately?
  • Vibrating steering wheel or the entire vehicle when speeding
  • Intermittent squeaking or thumping noises
  • Screeching noise while turning corners
  • Ever-increasing braking distance
  • Steering wheel getting off centre
  • Punctured or flat tyre
  • Erored, smoothed tyre surface
Fix an appointment by calling us
Call us 0246117771 without any delay whatsoever, to book our service. Or you can write to us to get a free online quote.
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